凯伦D. 帕菲特

教授essor of 神经科学; Chair of 神经科学
和皇冠体育 Since: 1994
  • 专业知识


    Karen 帕菲特 studies synaptic transmission in the hippocampus, an area of the brain known to be critical for the consolidation of experience into long-term memory. Using electrophysiological recording in the hippocampus of mice, she seeks to develop an underst和ing of the molecular mechanisms of memory as well as changes in synaptic transmission that occur in various disease states such as Alzheimer’s Disease. Using the fruit fly 果蝇, she also studies molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release.

    Research Interests

    • 神经科学
    • Synaptic physiology 和 plasticity
    • Molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release
    • Neurobiology of Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Effects of exercise on synaptic plasticity

    Areas of 专业知识


    • Molecular Mechanisms of Neurotransmitter Release
    • Synaptic Physiology 和 Plasticity
    • Neurobiology of Aging
  • 工作


    Morrissey, J.M.比格斯,E. ‘19#Necarsulmer, J.C., ’15#, Srinivasan, V. ’16# , Peppercorn, K.,  Mockett B.G.,  泰特, W.P.,  休斯, S.M., 帕菲特, K.D. 和  亚伯拉罕, W.C.  (2019) The Tripeptide RER Mimics Secreted Amyloid Precursor Protein-Alpha in Upregulating LTP. Frontiers in Cellular 神经科学, 13:459-471. (#: undergraduate, 皇冠体育 College).

    Mockett B.G., Guévremont, D.,长者,M., 帕菲特, K.D., Peppercorn, K., Morrissey, J.辛格,A.Hintz T.J.科尔臣,L., Tom Dieck, S, Schuman, E.MW .泰特.P., Williams, J.M., 和 亚伯拉罕, W.C. (2019) Glutamate receptor trafficking 和 protein synthesis mediate the facilitation of LTP by secreted amyloid precursor protein–alpha; Journal of 神经科学, 39: 3188-3203. 

    Wiertelak, E.P., Hardwick, J., Kerchner, M., 帕菲特, K.D., & 拉米雷斯,J.J.  “The New Blueprints: Undergraduate 神经科学 教育 in the Twenty-First Century,” (2018) Journal of Undergraduate 神经科学 教育

    棕褐色,V.T.Y.莫克特,B.G., Ohline, S., 帕菲特, K.D.威基,H.E., Peppercorn, K., Schoderboeck, L., Yahaya, M.F.W .泰特.P.休斯,S。.M. 和 亚伯拉罕, W.C. “Lentivirus-mediated expression of human secreted amyloid precursor protein-alpha prevents development of memory 和 plasticity deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease,”  (2018) Molecular Brain 11:7.

    偿,E.S.’11, Gumps, K. #罗斯,A.J.’11, Sigmon, S.#Kim, J.J. ’08, Kramer, N.J.’11, 帕菲特, K.D., 和 Korey, C.A.  (2013) “Mutations in palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 alter exocytosis 和 endocytosis at synapses in 果蝇 幼虫。”  7(4):267-279.

    卡锐J.L., 帕菲特, K.D., Gawera, K.D.里夫林,P.K. 和hey, R.R. (2009) “The resting membrane potential of 果蝇 melanogaster larval muscle depends strongly on external calcium concentration,” Journal of Insect Physiology, 2009

    Bisel B.E*.亨金斯,K.* 和 帕菲特, K.D. The Alzheimer amyloid ß-peptide Aß25-35 blocks adenylate cyclase-mediated forms of hippocampal long term potentiation (LTP). (2007) Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences, 1097: 58-63.

    约翰逊,K.G.Tenney, A.P., Duckworth, A., 帕菲特, K.D.Marcu, O.,海斯利普,T.R.马什,J.L., Flanagan, J.G., 和 van Vactor, D. (2006) The HSPGs Syndecan 和 Dallylike bind the receptor phosphatase LAR 和 exert distinct effects on synaptic development. Neuron, 49:517-531.

    与G.F. 里斯,M.B. 李和A.S. 黄, "Adenylate Cyclase-mediated Forms of Synaptic Potentiation in Hippocampal Area CA1 are Reduced with Aging," Journal of Neurophysiology, 93:3381-3389, 2005

    N. 拒绝前进,J. 李,R. 伯吉斯,D. 掀起,一个. DiAntonio, 和 T.L. Schwarz, "果蝇 Genetics 和 the Functions of Synaptic Proteins," Cold Spring Harbor Symposia in Quantitative Biology, 60, 371-377, 1995

    和P. 比克福德,.M.-Y. 林和M.R. 帕尔默, "The Effects of Aging on the Interaction of Ethanol with Chemical Neurotransmission in the Brain," in Alcohol 和 Aging (T. Beresford 和 E.S.L. Gomberg, eds., Oxford University Press, 150-165, 1995)

    与维.V. 麦迪逊, "Phorbol Esters Enhance Synaptic Transmission in the Hippocampus by a presynaptic, Calcium-dependent Mechanism," Journal of Physiology, 471, 245-268, 1993

  • 教育


    University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

    Bachelor of Science
    Cornell University

    Recent Courses Taught

    Neurobiology with Lab

    Independent Research in 神经科学


    Senior Experimental Thesis in 神经科学

    Senior Library Thesis in 神经科学

    Senior Seminar: Advanced Topics in 神经科学

  • 奖 & 荣誉

    奖 & 荣誉

    President, 教师 for Undergraduate 神经科学, 2000-2001

    皇冠体育 College, 教师 Research Grant, 1998

    National Institute of Aging, Academic Research Enhancement Award, 1998

    National Science Foundation, Instrumentation 和 Laboratory Improvement Grant, 1995

    American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), Research Grant, 1995

    National Research Service Award, National Institute of Mental Health, 1991

    教授essional Development Network Grant, 2017, 2018

    教师 for Undergraduate 神经科学 Equipment Loan Grant, 2016

    Hirsch Initiation Grant, 2003, 2009

    Mellon Partnership Grant, 2009

    教师 for Undergraduate 神经科学 (FUN) Service Award, 2011

    皇冠体育 College 教师 Grant, 2014, 2018